
Detailed Balance for Week 7, 2024

from 12 February 2024, 00:00 to 18 February 2024, 23:59
all times are in GMT
from 12 February 2024, 00:00 to 18 February 2024, 23:59
local time

Profit -14.70

Total Tips 41
Total Stakes 410
Profit -14.70
Yield -3.59%
Combo Tips 6
Wins (11) 27%
Losses (30) 73%
Postponed 0
Average Odd 4.30
Average Wins Odd 3.59
Average Losses Odd 4.56
Average Stake 10.00
Open Tips 0
Open Tips Amount 0

*** All times are according to GMT. Times in brackets are your local times.